Thursday 11 February 2016

Title Research

We done a lot of research on our title as we originally struggled to think of something. We thought of having something in relevance to a young girl as she was our main focus. We had a few title inspirations which we thought we could link with our idea.

The first inspiration was 'The Grudge'. This film is a horror and the storyline is focused on an eerie looking girl who is presented as a curse throughout. Although this is not necessarily the case in our film, we thought that there was some relevance as our main character was an eerie looking young girl who haunts the man who supposedly killed her. The design of this title is significant as the writing is bold on a dark background. The colour of the text has many negative connotations such as blood, pain, death, etc.
By seeing this title, we made a few decisions on how we would present it; for example, font, colour, style, size, etc.

'The Ring' was another title inspiration. This is another horror film which we thought linked with our film through its title presentation. We thought that the way the title was presented inside a ring, as evident through its title, was quite effective as there was obviously a clear link between the background image at the title name itself. After seeing this, because we have a car involved in our film, we thought that it could possibly be a good idea having the title of the film projected of the car headlight. Again we thought this would be affective as it would symbolise the main prop in our film however the title would be displayed at the same time. The obscure colours connote evil, death and darkness which are good connotations within a horror film as the aim is to scare the audience which those certainly will. Also, the font of the text is significant as, personally, I think it looks fairly childish having no capital letters and also the letters are very spaced out again suggesting how the person may be unable to write. This would have a clear link again with our film as our main character is a young girl which we could therefore relate to the childlike font. 

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