Sunday 20 March 2016

Evaluation Activity 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The main character in our film supposedly turns out to be the young girl and she was therefore our main focus when representing particular social groups. We researched multiple films in which we could compare Robyn, our main character, too and who would most relate to her role within the opening. The images on the left hand side are screen captures from two significant parts of the opening where Robyn appears. The two images on the right are of the the girl from The Grudge, which is a horror/thriller film based around a curse which causes people to die whilst a new curse is born. Although the plot of the films are different, we felt that the characters had a lot of relation and when researching, The Grudge was one of our film inspirations to introduce a young grudge like girl.The top two screenshots both have a similar aim through scaring the audience as well as other characters. We felt like these two characters could relate through their appearance where they are both dressed in the white nightie/dress, again showing how they could be portrayed as being innocent and vulnerable; in comparison the two close ups above show how they appear as a threat and how the impact they intend to have on the audience is negative.

They both are involved in dramatic events; however in our film Robyn is given the most prevalence making us, as the audience, notice her more however this is often different in other horrors where they only appear at unexpected times to scare the audience a lot more as recognised in The Grudge. Although we are able to relate our characters with there role in the film and there appearance, they are shown at different points/stages in the film and in some cases, not so often as others. We feel like both characters could appeal to a wide audience and particular social groups. For example, the female audience would be engaged by this and may feel like they could relate and sympathise for them much more with being the same gender. In contrast the male audience may be interested as it is often found that in horror, younger characters are shown to be at more of a threat and therefore those who enjoy this type of horror would be influenced to watch it.

Similarly, both films follow the conventions of a horror location. In our film, the location is in a quite, derelict area with nothing around which has more of an eerie feel to it. In contrast, The Grudge is primarily set in a house which is supposedly haunted. Both relate to horror conventions and can realistically have an impact on particular social groups and audiences. For example, those who spend alot of time at home may be engaged by this as it is a typical thing to do and is a place where you feel safe. Ironically, this is shown to be different in The Grudge where people are affected in there homely environment therefore scaring the audience much more. However in our film, the outdoor location suggest how there would be passers by and things would be recognised although the area is unknown and there are not alot of people around again making it more daunting and making the audience worry more about the location they may be in.

In film, it is most important when representing particular groups and audiences and this is most shown through the appearance of a character as well as there role in the film and costumes in particular. Costume is a part of mis-en-scene which is significant as different representations of characters can engage different audiences and groups. In our film, Robyn is originally portrayed as being innocent and vulnerable through her appearance/costume. This would conform to the stereotypes of younger children/teens and our film therefore represents them allowing the age group to be sympathised for by the audience. There are many different stereotypes in film which revolve around different things, such as appearance, and this therefore reflects on the media and audience and the way they view the different characters.

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