Wednesday 23 March 2016

Evaluation Activity 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

When doing our audience research we made a decision to aim our opening at people aged 15-25. We found that this audience range has the most interest in the horror genre and it is very often that this particular age group has more of an interest in film overall. By aiming at this age group we believe that our opening will engage a wide audience and would therefore have a lot of success in the distribution of the film. It is prominently found that the characters in a film play a big role with engaging the range of particular age groups; for example in a horror film where there is a group of teenagers, it is likely that the age group interested in that would be of the same ages as they would be more likely to relate. We think that we will attract our intended audience as we done a lot of genre research and aimed to follow alot of conventions and themes which feature in the most popular horror films.

This particular age group would have many different interests. It is often that the female audience would be more interested in the typical romantic-comedy film where there is a love story and a broken relationship; this is for the reason that teenage girls often experience this and may feel like they could relate. They would most likely shop in top brands such as Topshop, Urban Outfitters and River Island or alternatively they may be more attracted to places like Primark, H&M and New Look. Females of this age group would be heavily interested in celebrities, chick-flicks and love which isn't something a horror provides. Although, the female character in our film may have the potential to attract the female audience. Alternatively, the male audience would most likely be interested in this type of film as it slightly contains violence where there is a hit and run which would be influenced by the latest technology which involve Xbox and PlayStation games such as Call Of Duty and Grand Theft Auto (GTA); and also it is common that men have more of an interest to being scared which is obviously the aim in a horror film.

During the planning and research for our film, we created a questionnaire which involved many questions based around the horror genre. The first, which was 'What is your favourite genre of horror'; the most voted one was Mainstream Horror which involves alot of natural/conventional events. Another question we asked was 'Which genre would you combine with a horror'; the most voted for this one was action. Based on these results and the questionnaire as a whole, we majorly considered what the audience would like the most and this allowed us to meet all of there expectations. This was successful by including a car and a minor hit and run which is extremely conventional of an action film.

To conclude, the questionnaire and the general expectations of a horror allowed us to successfully meet our intended audience. This was done through the occurrence of conventional events along with the camera work and editing skills that can hugely engage the audience.

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