Thursday 17 December 2015

Progress Targets

On return we begin the post production stage of our journey and editing begins from the onset - make sure you are video blogging and keeping your page relevant and up to date.  Make sure you have evidenced all the following areas of focus over the break to maximise your marks for research and planning.  The numbers reflect the amount of posts expected, at least.  You are capable of exceptional attainment here - grab it!


Genre Research 10
Soundtrack research (non copyright music) 1/2
Costume and location research – google earth and pictures you’ve taken. 1/2
Actors and props photos and interviews 3/5
Audience Research and Profiling (typical audience member and similar films) 1
Uploaded YouTube videos of openings – analysed 15/20
Opening titles analysed in detail – font researched 1
Analysed Film Openings from from your genre in particular 5/10
Institution research (Paramount etc) 1
Certificate research 1


Own film idea brainstorm 1
Own film treatment 1
Relevant Online Tutorials and Comment 4/5
Documenting of influences on production 1
Shot lists 1
Consideration  of representation in your film and stereotyping – use theory from G322. 1
Questionnaire (and feedback) Get some feedback on your initial ideas!

Diary of filming/editing etc with photos and screen grabs

Mood board 1
Script 1
Practice titles created and uploaded 1
Storyboard animatic.1

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