Sunday 18 October 2015

Conventions of romance films

The typical conventions of a romantic film are things like happy endings, love/hate relationships, boy meets girl, sexual scenes, emotional scenes, etc. The setting of romantic films would usually be in a big city or well know romantic place such as New York. They are usually set here as it just makes it seem realistic as a place like New York has got everything a typical romance fanatic would want. Alternatively, it could be set in the countryside or an isolated area in a house. This is a possibility as it seems to be more romantic when they are alone with no one around. Yet again, mis-en-scene is very important within a film as it gives us a clear understanding of the character as well as fitting the genre of the film. For example in a romantic film you would see natural lighting coming in from the outside and soft sound and romantic music. The sound being diegetic or non-diegetic would always be soft and calm as we do not usually expect anything major to happen. However often there could be one of those love/hate relationships which involve arguing therefore could possibly require some more dramatic sound although this is very unlikely.

The rating for these kind of films vary quite alot as they are often just those inevitable 'happily ever after' films which would be acceptable for the younger audience however it could reach the stage where there are explicit sexual scenes and swearing which would obviously be available to adults. The gender for this would be females as they are more likely to be interested in the romantic stories and the 'happily ever after' scene. You typically wouldn't expect males to be interested in this kind of thing.

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