Sunday 18 October 2015

The Dark Knight Rises - Opening scene (analysis)

The scene begins with them driving though a field towards a plane. The main focus is of the three men in the back seat. The dark colours connote darkness and evil as well as it being quite threatening. To the audience they look like some kind of hostages however this is undermined as later on in the scene we find out that one of the men has a bit more power than that and may arise to be one of the villains in the film. The fact that they are in a confined space suggests being trapped and held together with no choice. Although being trapped doesn't seem like they area threat, we could be surprised by future events. Also at this point the diegetic sound of the car engine and noise of the ground on the car builds up and gets louder whilst building up tension and suspense for the audience.

The scene them moves on with a long shot of a plane flying through mountains, with the diegetic sound of the planes engine as well as  the non-diegetic tune of music in the background. The diegetic sound is very loud as it is the only noise being made in the isolated setting. The non-diegetic tune in the background is fast pace and gradually builds up tension and keeps the audience engaged throughout.When they are on the plane, they use a close up shot when Bane is being uncovered. At this point we are seeing the character for the first time which is intense as we are unsure of what to expect. We can easily assume that the character is Bane because of his deep, mysterious voice and how he is speaking with confidence despite the fact that the CIA are in possession of a gun.When he is uncovered, he is shown wearing a mask, this is partially typical for a character to have in an action/thriller. They are hiding there identity, however in this film it seems to be different as he says "no one cared who I was til I put on the mask". This shows how he could possibly of been someone completely different before without any recognition however now with the mask on he is more powerful. They have then used an aerial/long shot of the other plane above, firstly at a high angle showing how it is above the other and possibly denoting how it now has dominance over the other plane. At this point we are unsure of what the plane is or why its there. However in the plane, Bane says how he's had this planned all along then says to crash this plain with no survivors. This is where the action begins.

The non diegetic sound beating in the background makes it feel intense and give the audience a feel of fear and suspense. Following on the diegetic sound of gun shots are dramatic and put the audience on the edge of there seats. The fighting begins when the windows are smashed, with some of the characters looking unsure of what to do. The fighting and gun shots are slightly typical of an action film as they build up tension as well as properly engaging the audience. The plane with all the action is now attached to the one above and no one can take control. The plane above now has power and dominance over the other forcing it to crash. When the others break inside the crashing plane the non-diegetic sound continuously gets louder and speeds up building up tension up until the point where the plane drops and Bane and one of the other characters are left hanging on. At this point they used a high angle to show the two characters remaining and also to show the plain dropping and breaking a part. The diegetic sound of the character screaming is intense and when this all happens, it makes the audience want to watch on as it has been made very eventful and dramatic and they have kind of left it as a cliff hanger whilst the plane carries on as if nothing has happened.

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