Sunday 18 October 2015

Mission Impossible 2 - Opening scene (analysis)

The first shot which is used is a fast paced establishing shot showing the setting of a large empty land full of high rocky land and cliffs. This signifies the idea of danger and isolation. The fast paced camera movement continues when they pan inwards to Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), who is the main character, climbing up the rocks. As the audience,when we see this we feel as if he in danger and the mission that is commencing is rather impossible. We are able to see how this denotation links in with the title of the film and how it is significant as this point of the scene foresees future events. The beginning sound is non-diegetic and gradually speeds up building up tension. It is a quite sound for the reason that we are able to here how quite the setting is, additionally, it could be so that we are able to here the deep breathing of Tom Cruise as he is climbing the rocks. They then use a medium shot showing him barricading his knees/legs into the rocks and leaning back with no hands holding on. This shot was used to show body language as well as showing the confidence that he has whilst on this mission. Quietly in the distance, we can here the diegetic sound of a hawk. This could possibly suggest how he is in danger or alternatively, how  he is so heigh up that they are in his surrounding. As well as this the non-diegetic sound of the fast beat continues yet again building up tension for the audience and keeping us intrigued.

Soon after, close ups have been used showing the positioning of both his feet and hands. The first one was a close up of his hand as he slowly placed it on the rock, this was used to show struggle as well as determination as he is carrying on despite it being difficult. Following on from this was a high angle/ariel shot, possibly showing how high up he is or alternatively showing how he is superior and now has power over everyone else. After this they used another high angle shot but this time it was showing him about to jump from one part of the rock to another. They filmed this part of the scene in slow motion to show the danger and also builds up tension and makes the audience thinks about if he will make  it or not. When he lands the slow motion stops and he slips of the rock, this yet again builds up tension as he ends up hanging with one arm. At this point the non-diegetic sound got louder and was a fast beat. He was holding on with both hands, but then let go and was hanging on again. He done this so that he could turn around and the large landscape behind him. This could of been seen as the start of his mission as they have used a close up showing the emotion on his face as well as the relief that he still alive. The music becomes more fast paced and he begins to start climbing again with more confidence.

They then use a partial Ariel shot showing the top of all of the rocks and in the distance we can see the main character, Tom Cruise, reaching the top. This could denote that his mission has now begun as he has reached the top. The non-diegetic sound continues but now sounds more positive.They then used a medium shots showing Cruise standing there with his hands on his hip with a look of happiness. The medium shot has been used for effect and to establish the body language of the character. A high angle, long shot was used after this showing him looking over, across the empty landscape. This could have been used clearly to show the setting as well as the main character or alternatively that he is now superior and has dominance over everyone else.

Following on from before, the diegetic sound of a helicopter was heard and was then shown using a low angle shot of him looking up on it. The man in the helicopter was in possession of a gun and was looking down on Tom Cruise, this could suggest how he is in danger. The man was wearing a suit which shows formality and because the film is an action it could signify that he is possibly a spy. This two points that I have just stated are the mis-en-scene, this is the costume, props and sound in the film. Mis-en-scene is very important as it signifies the kind of people the characters are and what things they are involved in. The man in the helicopter then points to Cruise as the diegetic sound of the helicopter gets louder. They then point he gun towards him and shoot out a bullet like  package. When the helicopter flies away into the distance, the audience would feel confused and clueless as to what just happened as it first looked like they were against him however we now know they are on his side. Tom Cruise then walks over and takes out a pair of ordinary looking sunglasses. Once he puts them on we notice they are more than that as they use a point of view shot of him looking out through them. The dialogue on the screen shows us that Cruise is an agent which then changes the whole perspective of the storyline. The fact that he is an agent conforms  the conventions and the sort of things we expect of a action film. The idea of an agent suggests secrecy and undercover work or missions. They are then asking for his confirmation of doing a mission which we now though begins now. They used a medium shot showing body language which was panning left and right showing the view from different angles as well as establishing the setting behind him. The scene ends with him throwing his missionary glasses into the distance whilst they seem to explode and the non-diegetic sound continues being loud and fast paced.

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