Thursday 29 October 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road - Opening scene (analysis)

The scene begins with a black screen along with the non-diegetic voice in the background of who we can assume is Max. He says "My world is fire and blood" which gives us the assumption that the film is possibly action and/or thriller. Following on from this we here the non-diegetic sounds of gun shots and people shouting, this could possibly suggest a war setting. Soon after an establishing(long) shot is used showing the setting and who is most likely the main character, Max. The setting is isolated and silent, also it is a large landscape denoting that all of the action is going to be taking place here as it looks as if there is no alternative. As the camera pans downwards, we can here a quite, non-diegetic voice of what sounds like a young girl saying "where are you". This gives us the idea that this could be his daughter who has maybe died or alternatively it could suggest that he is away on some kind of mission and the young girl is unaware of this. Following on there are whispers of different voices saying that Max 'promised to help them'. This gives us the sense of escapism and how Max left them to save himself  or possibly denoting how they got caught up in his mistakes. The camera pans inwards using an over the shoulder shot whilst Max slowly turns his head facing the camera forming a close up shot of him eating the lizard. Along with this we are able to here the sickening, diegetic sound of him chewing on it.

Immediately, the sound builds up as he gets into his car and drives away, this makes the audience fear of what is going to happen next. We are able to here the diegetic sound of the car engine making it seem more realistic and thrilling for the audience. For a short time, a low angle shot is used, just below the rocks, showing the car as it is gradually driving off. This shot could be used to possibly denote that someone is there looking up on him, waiting to make a move. Yet again this makes it more gripping for the audience as they would want to watch on and find out what happens next. For a second it goes silent and we are just able to see the setting through the long shot, until we re-establish the diegetic sound of the engine as a car overrides the camera at a fast pace along with other cars and motorbikes. This is a clear convention of an action film as we are able to assume that this is a car chase which is a typical thing for an action film to involve. We are partially able to see that the men in the cars are holding some sort of weapons which denotes how a fight could be about to occur. The weapons they are holding are props which are significant as they are part of mis-en-scene. Mis-en-scene involves, props, setting, clothing and sound. All in which give a clear image of the characters representation in the film as they all seem quite violent.

Continuing, the car chase is shown in the distance through a long shot and we are partially able to hear the diegetic sound of the engines and shouting. The sound gradually gets louder making the audience fear that something big is going to happen.Which we immediately find out, when the villains throw some sort of weapon at the car causing it to explode. Yet again, this is another clear convention of an action film as you would typically expect to see some sort of explosion. Once this explosion happened, as the audience, we wouldn't expect Max to be seen again however the camera pans inwards to underneath the car where we can see Max's hands and we are partially able to here the diegetic sound of him deeply breathing. Reoccurring, the non-diegetic voice of who we assume is Max continues whilst he makes his way out from under the car. From hearing this non-diegetic voice of Max, we could possibly assume that he is having a flashback of all that has happened as he is moderately guiding us through these major experiences.

Throughout him trying to escape, he has flashbacks of people dying or being hurt. This could denote how these are relatives who he 'couldn't protect', as he said. By seeing this, as the audience, we feel sympathetic towards him as he is being hurt whilst reliving the past and seeing what he couldn't do to help. One of the men step on Max's back as he tries to get away and we are able to here the trigger of the gun making us fear that he is going to be shot. Immediately after a long shot is used, yet again showing the setting as the cars drive away into the distance. The screen goes black and we are shown a new setting. We are shown a close up of hair being cut of, who yet again we can easily assume that it is Max. We can hear the synchronous sound of the scissors cutting the hair along with the shaking of the chains which are tying Max down. A low angle shot is used showing the positioning of Max as he is facing the ground, being held up by chains. We can see that he is in pain and we can see the blood around his face, this yet again makes the audience fear as well as fearing sympathetic towards him. A high angle shot is then used showing Max having a tattoo forced on him along with the diegetic sound of the machine being used to do it.

The sound gets more intense and builds up as the camera pans inwards showing the fearsom look on Max's face. As the non-diegetic sound builds up, Max escapes through hitting the other men and breaking the chain. The sound is fast paced making the audience feel tense and scared of what is going to happen. This also keeps the audience on the edge of their seats as well as engaging them. The non-diegetic sound continues along with the shouting of the men chasing after him. The setting of this action is unknown however we could possibly assume that it is underground through all the maze-like alleys and the rocks. The dark lighting also makes it more thrilling for the audience as we are mainly able to hear what's happening without visually seeing it. Soon after Max climes up a chain to look up and see a young girl. A point of view shot is used showing both the young girl and Max's view, also we could see this as a close up of Max's face showing the fear and emotion as if he has seen a ghost. He then falls into the water, as we can hear the diegetic sound of the water splashing followed by the low angle, under water, shot of Max trying to stay alive. Yet again he sees the girl, saying 'where were you' repetitively. Through the close up we are able to again see the fear in Max's facial expression As he is running, he is having continuous flashbacks of people that, we could assume, he has lost. He then reaches a door which he opens to find out he is on the edge of  a cliff. The daylight is significant as most of the scene was set in darkness making it more thrilling for the audience. However the lighting allows us to clearly see the characters as well as the setting alone.

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